10/18/2020 家庭靈修 – 詩篇89:30-52
讀經:詩篇第89篇30-52節 此詩篇混合了讚美和哀歌,作為詩篇卷三的結語,它呈現了一種交錯的體裁。 神應允大衞兩件事:盟約的永效性;大衛王朝的永存性。但現實卻存在著差距,現況看不出盟約的保障。反而看似一切都落空了。 本來應該是對神盟約的讚美,神慈愛信實的頌歌,卻轉變爲了失望的哀嚎。 建議討論: 「我就要用杖責罰他們的過犯,用鞭責罰他們的罪孽。只是我必不將我的慈愛全然收回,也必不叫我的信實廢棄。」(89:32-33和合本) 思想:神的管教讓你對神的慈愛有何認識? 「我必不背棄我的約,也不改變我口中所出的。」(89:34和合本) 思想:此節詩篇對你的信心有何幫助? October 11 (Sunday)-Family Devotion Scripture Reading: Psalms 89:30-52 Suggested Discussion: “I will punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with flogging; but I will not take my love from him, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness.” (89:32-33, NIV) Q: How does God’s discipline help you know about his mercy? “I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.” (89:34, NIV) Q: How does this psalm help you gain greater faith towards God?