01/31/2021 家庭靈修 – 詩篇第103篇1-12節
生活中,我們或會有焦慮、害怕、憤怒、氣餒;因我們忘記了主曾賜與的恩惠。理智上我們知道,但心靈卻忘掉了初信時被饒恕、得釋放的喜樂。然而,祂的慈愛卻永恆不變;敬畏祂的人定必感受到祂的愛比天更高、比海還深。 建議討論: 「我的心哪!你要稱頌耶和華,不可忘記他的一切恩惠。」(103:2, 和合本) 思想:你要怎樣才會不忘記神的恩惠? 「耶和華有憐憫、有恩典、不輕易發怒,且有豐盛的慈愛。」(103:8, 和合本) 思想:你曾經歷過哪些神的憐憫、恩典和慈愛? 「天離地何等的高,祂的慈愛向敬畏祂的人,也是何等的大。」(103:11, 和合本) 思想:在你的心中,天離地到底有多高呢? January 31 (Sunday) – Family Devotion Scripture Reading: Psalms 103:1-12 Suggested Discussion: “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (103:2, NIV) Q: How can you not forget the benefits from God? “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” (103:8, NIV) Q: What kind of compassion, grace and love from God have you ever experienced? “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.” (103:11, NIV) Q: In your heart, how high are theRead More →