10/04/2020 家庭靈修 – 詩篇第88篇
此詩篇內容心酸悲歎。詩人患病,被親人唾棄,流離失所,滿心滿言都是苦情!此哀歌盡都是以黑色爲基調,黑暗成為了詩人的知己。詩人在痛苦的深淵中哭泣無望。 詩篇沒有解釋詩人所遭遇是何原因。就是一層層的描寫他的苦情和黑暗的圍繞,及詩人對神不停的哭喊,狂呼,聲聲淒厲,他不停對靜默的神申述。 建議討論: 「耶和華——拯救我的神啊!我晝夜在你面前呼籲。願我的禱告達到你面前;求你側耳聽我的呼求!」(88:1-2 和合本) 思想:詩人記錄了他三翻四次對神的呼求,可神始終沉默,在你的禱告生活中,是否有相同的經歷,你是如何度過? 「耶和華啊!你為何丟棄我?為何掩面不顧我?」(88:14和合本) 思想:在新約中誰的禱告使用了這句話?對神的沉默,他如何反應? October 4 (Sunday)-Family Devotion Scripture Reading: Psalms 88 Suggested Discussion: “LORD, you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you. May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry.” (88:1-2, NIV) Q: The psalmist recorded his repeated cries to God, who remained silent. In your prayer life, have you had the same experience and how did you face it? “Why, LORD, do you reject me and hide your face from me?” (88:14, NIV) Q: Who prayed this prayer in the New Testament? How did heRead More →