03/14/2021 家庭靈修 – 詩篇第105篇12-22節



  1. 「在他們以先打發一個人去;約瑟被賣為奴僕。」(105:17, 和合本)


  1. 「耶和華的話試煉他,直等到他所說的應驗了。」(105:19, 和合本)

思想:約瑟在埃及曾受過哪些試煉 (參考創世記39-41章)?請試與耶穌所受的試探比較。


March 14 (Sunday) – Family Devotion

Scripture Reading: Psalms 105:12-22

Suggested Discussion:

  1. “and he sent a man before them—Joseph, sold as a slave.” (105:17, NIV)

Q: In your opinion, why was Joseph the best person to be sent to Egypt first, and not the other brothers?

  1. “till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true.” (105:19, NIV)

Q: What trials did Joseph experience in Egypt (ref: Genesis Chapters 39-41)? Please try to compare with the temptations that Jesus was subjected to.