02/21/2021 家庭靈修 – 詩篇104:10-23

神的創造何等奇妙!祂並非只製造出一堆雜亂無章的東西,而是顧及到他們相互依存的生態循環。除了提供食物,祂使人「又得酒能悅人心,得油能潤人面,得糧能養人心。」(15節) 祂不但關注到人的身體需要,祂還關顧到人的心靈需要。可惜罪從一人入了世界,人與動植物、與大地的關係改變了模樣。受造之物一同嘆息勞苦,直到如今,等候基督的再來。


  1. 「耶和華使泉源湧在山谷,流在山間;使野地的走獸有水喝‧野驢得解其渴。」(104:10-11, 和合本)


  1. 「日頭一出,獸便躲避,臥在洞裡。人出去作工,勞碌直到晚上。」(104:22-23, 和合本)



February 21 (Sunday) – Family Devotion

Scripture Reading: Psalms 104:10-23

Suggested Discussion:

  1. “He makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains. They give water to all the beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst.” (104:10-11, NIV)

Q: Can you feel how God cares about all He created? Why?

  1. “The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and lie down in their dens. Then people go out to their work, to their labor until evening.” (104:22-23, NIV)

Q: What characteristics of God are reflected in the schedules of his creations?